Translation to heat oneself in the sun Part of speech verb base Semantic category body, nature Note See also -a’tarih- "for something to be hot" -a’tariha’t- "to be hot (weather); to be hot (person); to heat something" -ia’ta’tariha’t- "to have a fever (lit. for one’s body to be hot)" -atia’ta’tariha’t- "to make oneself warm"
Example | Prononciation | Translation | Sound |
Satrahkwa’tariha’t! | [sat-rah-kwa’-ta-RI-ha’t] | Warm yourself up in the sun! |
Conjugation Class | a-radical |
Verb Class | actif sans conséquence |
Morphological Analysis | -at-rahkw-aʔtarih-a-ʔt- |
Morphological Gloss | -MID-rayons.soleil-être chaud-LK-CAUS- |
Grammar Notes |
Aspect Mood | Habitual | Stative | Perfective | Impérative | Purposive |
Suffix | -haʔ | -ih | -Ø | -Ø | |
Alternant | -atrahkwaʔtarihaʔt- | -atrahkwaʔtarihaʔt- | -atrahkwaʔtarihaʔt- | -atrahkwaʔtarihaʔt- | |
Pronominal Prefixes | agent | patient | agent | agent impératif | |
Approximate Translation | se chauffer au soleil habituellement | se chauffer au soleil actuellement | se chauffer au soleil à un moment précis | donner l’ordre à quelqu’un de se chauffer au soleil |