
  • Translationto give something to someone
    Part of speechverb base
    Semantic categoryeveryday life
    See also
    Tänonht!"Give it to me (2SG)!"
  • @2014. Crédit image:Louis-Karl Picard-Sioui. Copyright CDFM Huron-Wendat
Tänonht![TA-nonht]Give (2SG) it to me!
Tayinonht![ta-YI-nonht]Give it to me, you two! or Give (2SG) it to us (DU)! or Give (DU) it to us (DU)!
Taywänonht![tay-WA-nonht]Give (2PL) it to me! or Give (2SG) it to us (1PL)!
Hestonht![he-STONHT]Give (2SG) it to him!
Stonht![stonht]Give (2SG) it to her!
Eyonnonht.[e-YON-nonht]I will give it to you (2SG).
Yonnonhtenh.[yon-NONH-tenh]I have given it to you.
Conjugation Classn/nd-radical
Verb Classactif avec conséquence
Morphological Analysis
Morphological Gloss
Grammar Notes
Aspect MoodHabitualStativePerfectiveImpérativePurposive
Pronominal Prefixestransitiftransitiftransitiftransitif impératif
Approximate Translationdonner habituellement; être en train de donneravoir donné et il y a un effet au moment présentdonner à un moment précisdonner l’ordre à quelqu’un de donner