Keyword Wendat French English Semantic category action verbsanimalsautumnbehaviours and personalitybirdsbodychildrenclansclothingcognitioncolourscommunication and newsconversationcooking and eatingdaily routineemotions and stateseveryday lifefishflora and plantingfoodfruitgames and entertainmentgovernment and diplomacygreetingshealth and well-beinghousehunting and fishingkinship and relationshipslandscape and geographylanguage, speech and discoursemovement and motionnaturenumbersobjects and toolsqualifiersqualitiesquestionsschoolseasonssongs and dancesspaces and placessportssummertimetraditional craftstraditional materialstraditional objectstreesvalue and exchangesvalue, exchange and moneyvalue, exchanges and moneywarwaterweatherwinterwork and business Part of speech Verb Name Particle Sentence/Expression Reset Browse the Wendat-English dictionary ALL A CH D E EN G H I K N O ON R S T W Y ' Browse the English-Wendat dictionary ALL A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z