
  • Translationto inform oneself of something; to inform oneself about someone (e.g. to ask about someone’s health)
    Part of speechverb base
    Semantic categorycommunication and news, health and well-being
    See also
    -ahronton-"to ask someone a question, to question someone"
    -atahrontonhnd-/-atahrontonhn-"to inform oneself of something; to inform oneself about someone (e.g. to ask about someone’s health)"
Yatahrontonhk.[ya-tah-RON-tonhk]I inform myself about it; I’m informing myself about it.
Satahrontonh![sa-tah-RON-tonh]Inform yourself about it!
Conjugation Classa-radical
Verb Classactif avec conséquence
Morphological Analysis-at-ahronton-
Morphological Gloss-MID-interroger-
Grammar Notes
Aspect MoodHabitualStativePerfectiveImpérativePurposive
Pronominal Prefixesagent ou transitifpatient ou transitifagent ou transitifagent impératif ou transitif impératif
Approximate Translations’informer habituellement; être en train de s’informers’être informé et il y a un effet au moment présents’informer à un moment précis donner l’ordre à quelqu’un de s’informer