-atier- + PART

  • Translationto do or perform a certain action, either of body or of mind
    Part of speechverb base
    Semantic categoryeveryday life, daily routine
    NoteThis verb always takes the partitive prepronominal prefix.
    See also
    -ier- + PART"to do or perform a certain action; to do something in a certain way; to occupy oneself with some action, either of body or of mind; to treat someone well or poorly through words or actions; to treat oneself in a certain manner, either poorly or well "
Ta’oht ihchiatierha’?[ta’-oht ih-chia-TIER-ha’]What are you (2SG.) doing (at present or habitually)?
Ta’oht itsatierha’?[ta’-oht i-tsa-TIER-ha’]What are you two doing (at present or habitually)?
Ta’oht iskwatierha’?[ta’-oht i-skwa-TIER-ha’]What are you all doing (at present or habitually)?
Ta’oht ikwatierha’?[ta’-oht i-kwa-TIER-ha’]What are we all doing (at present or habitually)?
iyatierha’[i-ya-TIER-ha’]I’m doing it [a certain action]; I do it [a certain action] habitually
ihatierha’[i-ha-TIER-ha’]he’s doing it [a certain action]; he does it [a certain action] habitually
iwatierha’[i-wa-TIER-ha’]she’s doing it [a certain action]; she does it [a certain action] habitually
Conjugation Classa-radical
Verb Classactif avec conséquence
Morphological Analysis-at-ier-
Morphological Gloss-MID-faire.quelque.action-
Grammar Notes
Aspect MoodHabitualStativePerfectiveImpérativePurposive
Pronominal Prefixesagentpatientagentagent impératif
Approximate Translationfaire quelque action habituellement; être en train de faire quelque actionavoir fait quelque action et il y a un effet au moment présentfaire quelque action à un moment précis donner l’ordre à quelqu’un de faire quelque action