-itiohkou’ten- + PART

  • Translationto be of a certain clan
    Part of speechverb base
    Semantic categorykinship and relationships
    NoteThis verb always takes the partitive prepronominal prefix.
    See also
    -ou’ten- + PART"to be a type of, a kind of, a sort of, a manner of some quality or thing"
Ndiaweron esentiohkou’tenh?[ndia-we-ron e-sen-tioh-KOU’-tenh]Which clan are you?Listen
iwayitiohkou’tenh[i-wa-yi-tioh-KOU’-tenh]I am from a certain clanListen
Yänariskwa’ iwayitiohkou’tenh.[ya-na-ri-skwa’ i-wa-yi-tioh-KOU’-tenh]I am from the wolf clan.
Yändia’wich esentiohkou’tenh.[ya-ndia’-wich e-sen-tioh-KOU’-tenh]You (2SG) are from the turtle clan.
Yänionnyen’ ihotiohkou’tenh.[ya-nion-nyen’ i-ho-tioh-KOU’-tenh]He is from the bear clan.
Ohskënonton’ ïotiohkou’tenh.[oh-ske-non-ton’ i-o-tioh-KOU’-tenh]She is from the deer clan.
Conjugation Classi-radical
Verb Classstatif
Morphological Analysis-itiohkw-oʔten-
Morphological Gloss-troupe.clan-être.de.tel.type-
Grammar Notes
Aspect MoodHabitualStativePerfectiveImpérativePurposive
Pronominal Prefixes---agent------
Approximate Translation---être de clan actuellement------