
  • Translationto go to the bathroom (lit. to be on one's way to go out)
    Part of speechverb base
    Semantic categorydaily routine, everyday life
    NoteThe difference between -iayenhchr- and -iayenhch-, i.e. the presence or absence of r, is dialectal. One can use either variant without changing the meaning of the utterance.
    See also
    -iayenʼ-/-iayenh-/-iayenʼnd-"to go out, to come out"
    Tsayenhchah!"Go to the bathroom (2SG)! (lit. Go and get out!)"
    Yiayenhcheʼs."I go to the bathroom; I'm going to the bathroom (lit. I'm going to go out)."
  • @2014. Crédit image:Louis-Karl Picard-Sioui. Copyright CDFM Huron-Wendat
Tsayenhchah![tsa-YENH-chah]Go to the bathroom (2SG)! (lit. Go and get out!)
Yiayenhcheʼs.[yia-YENH-cheʼs]I go to the bathroom; I'm going to the bathroom (lit. I'm going to go out).
Conjugation Classi-consonnne-radical
Verb Classactif avec conséquence (verbe de mouvement)
Morphological Analysis-iayen-ʔ-hsr-
Morphological Gloss-sortir-INCH-DISLOC-
Grammar Notes
Aspect MoodHabitualStativePerfectiveImpérativePurposive
Alternant-iayenhchr- (ou -iayenhch-)-iayenhchr- (ou -iayenhch-)-iayenhchr- (ou -iayenhch-)-iayenhchr- (ou -iayenhch-)-iayenhchr- (ou -iayenhch-)
Pronominal Prefixesagentpatientagentagent impératifagent
Approximate Translationaller aux toilettes habituellement ou actuellementêtre allé aux toilettes et il y a un effet au moment présentaller aux toilettes à un moment précisdonner l’ordre à quelqu’un d’aller aux toilettesto be in motion to go to the bathroom; to intend to go to the bathroom