
  • Translationto be two tens more (when counting)
    Part of speechparticle
    Semantic categorynumbers
    NoteThis particle needs to be preceded by tëndih ’two’.
    See also
    tewahsenh"two tens (when counting)"
    teskare’"two units more (when counting)"
    iskwahsenhchare’"to be so many tens more (when counting)"
[te-ndih te-skwah-senh-CHA-re’]deux dizaines de plusskat ha’tewen’ndia’weh tëndih teskwahsenhchare’
[skat ha’-te-wen’-ndia’-weh te-ndih te-skwah-senh-CHA-re’]cent vingt (120), litt. tous les doigts frappent une fois et deux dizaines de plus
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