
  • Translationfor the bell to have rung so many times (to tell time)
    Part of speechparticle
    Semantic categorytime
    NoteThis particle needs to be preceded by a number to specify how many times the bell was rung (see examples).
    See also
    Tho ïohwihsta’eh?"What time is it? (lit. How many times has the bell rung? How many times has the metal been hit?)"
    ohwihsta’"fish scales; metal; bell; anything that shines like fish scales"
    teohwihsta’eh"for the bell to have rung twice (to tell time)"
    tsohwihsta’eh"for the bell to have rung once (to tell time)"
  • Listen
[wa-hia’ i-oh-wih-STA’-eh]Il est six heures (litt. la cloche a sonné six fois).Ahsenh en’tron’ iskare’ ïohwihsta’eh.
[ah-senh en’-tron’ i-ska-re’ i-oh-wih-STA’-eh]Il est 19 h (litt. la cloche a sonné 19 fois).
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