
  • Translationto make or prepare something, to make it ready, to arrange it, to put it in order, to adjust it, to settle it, to decorate it, to adorn it
    Part of speechverb base
    Semantic categoryeveryday life
    NoteThe difference between -hchondi- and -hchrondi-, i.e. the presence or absence of r , is dialectal. One can use either variant without changing the meaning of the utterance.
    See also
    -ahchondi-"to get dressed, to prepare oneself, to adorn oneself"
    -atia’tahchondi-"to adorn oneself, to dress up"
    -aten’ndiyonhrahchondi-"to prepare one’s mind, to prepare mentally"
    -akwendahchondi-"to prepare what one will say, to prepare one’s speech or talk"
    -atrihwahchondi-"to prepare one’s matters or affairs, to make one’s affairs ready"
    -rihwahchondi-"to settle, prepare a matter"
    -ia’tahchondi-"to dress or adorn someone; to paint someone’s body"
    -’ndiyonhrahchondi-"to prepare someone’s mind, to get it ready"
Sehchondiah![seh-CHON-ndiah]Prepare it! Get it ready!
Yehchondiahk.[yeh-CHON-ndiahk]I prepare it; I’m preparing it.
Conjugation ClassC-radical
Verb Classactif avec conséquence
Morphological Analysis
Morphological Gloss
Grammar Notes
Aspect MoodHabitualStativePerfectiveImpérativePurposive
Pronominal Prefixesagentpatientagentagent impératif
Approximate Translationpréparer quelque chose habituellement; être en train de préparer quelque choseavoir préparé quelque chose et il y a un effet au moment présentpréparer quelque chose à un moment précis donner l’ordre à quelqu’un de préparer quelque chose