
  • Translationfor a matter to be please someone; to consider a matter favorably; to be happy or satisfied with a matter or thing
    Part of speechverb base
    Semantic categoryemotions and states, cognition
    See also
    -on’weskwändi-/-on’weskwen-"to like something or someone, for something or someone to be pleasing or enjoyable, to approve of something, to be content or satisfied with something"
    yarihwa’"thing, matter"
Ayrihon’weskwändih.[ay-ri-hon’-we-SKWA-ndih]The matter pleases me.
Sarihon’weskwändih.[sa-ri-hon’-we-SKWA-ndih]The matter pleases you (2SG).
Conjugation Classr-radical
Verb Classactif sans conséquence
Morphological Analysis-rihw-onʔweskwandi-
Morphological Gloss-affaire-plaire.BEN-
Grammar Notes
Aspect MoodHabitualStativePerfectiveImpérativePurposive
Pronominal Prefixespatientpatientpatient---
Approximate Translationl’affaire plaire à quelqu’un habituellementl’affaire plaire à quelqu’un actuellementl’affaire plaire à quelqu’un à un moment précis ---