-ia’taye- + PART/DUPL

  • Translationto be so many people or animals; to be so many bodies
    Part of speechverb base
    Semantic categorynumbers, body
    NoteThis verb always takes either the partitive or the duplicative prepronominal prefix.
    See also
    -aye-/-ye- + PART/DUPL"to be so many of something; for there to be so many in number; to be so many times"
    oa’ta’"body; living being"
    iyäa’tayeh"to be so many bodies; to be so many people or animals"
    teyäa’tayeh"to be two bodies; to be two people or animals"
Tho iskwäa’tayeh?[tho i-skwa-a’-TA-yeh]How many are you (2PL)?
Ndahk ïaywäa’tayeh.[ndahk i-ay-wa-a’-TA-yeh]We (excl.) are four.
Tetia’tayeh.[te-tia’-TA-yeh]We (incl.) are two.
Tho iyäa’tayeh?[tho i-ya-a’-TA-yeh]How many people are there? How many bodies are there?
Conjugation Classi-consonnne-radical
Verb Classstatif
Morphological Analysis-iaʔt-a-ye-
Morphological Gloss-corps-LK-être.tel.nombre-
Grammar Notes
Aspect MoodHabitualStativePerfectiveImpérativePurposive
Pronominal Prefixes---agent------
Approximate Translation---être tel nombre de personnes actuellement------