
  • Translationpencil, pen
    Part of speechnoun
    Semantic categoryeveryday life, school
    Nominal radical-hiatonhkw-
    Notewriting instrument
    See also
    -hiaton-"to write; to mark something"
    yahiatonhcha’"paper, book, writing"
    Sehiatonh!"Write (2SG)! Write it down (2SG)!"
  • Listen «Pencil» ; @2010, Andrew Taylor. Utilisée sous licence Creative commons (CC BY 2.0) Source: Flickr«20130605-097-of-365»; @2013. Wilson Hui. Utilisée sous licence Creative commons (CC BY 2.0) Source: Flickr
There is no example in the list.
Conjugation ClassC-radical
Morphological Analysisya-hiaton-hkw-aʔ
Morphological Gloss3SG.N.AGT-écrire-INS.NMLZ-NSF
Grammar Noteslitt. elle est utilisée pour écrire