
  • TranslationI talk on the phone; I'm talking on the phone (lit. I make my voice travel; I'm making my voice travel).
    Part of speechsentence/phrase
    Semantic categorydaily routine, language, speech and discourse
    See also
    -akwendotraht-/-akwendotrat-"to talk on the telephone (lit. to make one's voice travel)"
    -akwendotrahtändi-/-akwendotrahten-"to speak to someone on the telephone (lit. to make one's voice travel toward someone)"
    yawenda’"voice, word, language, promise"
  • Listen «Whatsapp»; @2017. HeikoAl. Utilisé sous licence Creative Commons (CCO). Source: Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/en/whatsapp-iphone-homescreen-ios-2105015/«Apple»; @2016. Pexels. Utilisé sous licence Creative Commons (CCO). Source: Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/en/apple-contact-man-mobile-phone-1834257/
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