
  • Translationto choose something among a group; to take out something; to remove something from a group, from the rest
    Part of speechverb base
    Semantic categorybehaviours and personality
    See also
    -ia’traw-"to choose someone or some animal among a group; to take out someone or some animal; to remove someone or some animal from a group, from the rest"
    -atia’traw-"to withdraw oneself from others; to leave, abandon or renounce a certain group or place"
    -en’ndiyonhraraw-"to take one’s mind or one’s thoughts off something; to stop thinking about something"
    -rihwaraw-"to approve something; to remark something in particular; to reflect on something; to pay attention to something in particular"
    -atraw-"to leave a path or trail; to deviate from one’s course; to move or turn away from a path; to take another route; to separate from one another on a path, each one taking a different way"
Chrawah![CHRA-wah]Choose (2SG) it!
Yrawahs.[YRA-wahs]I choose; I’m choosing.
Conjugation Classr-radical
Verb Classactif avec conséquence
Morphological Analysis-r-a-w-
Morphological Gloss-mettre.dedans-LK-REV-
Grammar Notes
Aspect MoodHabitualStativePerfectiveImpérativePurposive
Pronominal Prefixesagentpatientagentagent impératif
Approximate Translationchoisir quelque chose habituellement; être en train de choisir quelque choseavoir choisi quelque chose et il y a un effet au moment présentchoisir quelque chose à un moment précis donner l’ordre à quelqu’un de choisir quelque chose